Counselling & Psychotherapy Services
“What you are aware of, you are in control of: what you are not aware of, is in control of you.”
Anthony de Mello – author and psychotherapist
Counselling and psychotherapy is for anyone who seeks betterment in life. This is contrary to the popular belief that only those who are in trouble need counselling and therapy. Whether it is for personal growth or to overcome life struggles, we help you put things in perspective at In Focus by helping you shift your own attention inwards, explore your feelings, define happiness and re-evaluate life.
Our counsellors and therapists have with them wealth of life and professional experiences to empathise with whatever your situation may be. Many of our clients have trusted us and eventually overcome seemingly insurmountable hurdles through our counselling and therapy and move on to greater things in life. You can too.
Taking the first step, making changes and staying on the course can be difficult. We know. Many things can be on one’s mind and there may be worries about sharing what is most personal to you. At In Focus, we assure you that your sharing is absolutely free of judgement and confidential to begin with. You are assured of caring counsellors and therapists who are compassionate and professional.
Where we can help
We provide counselling to help adults, youth, couples and families address a whole range of issues and struggles as follows:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger Management
- Grief, loss and bereavement
- Relationship difficulties
- Life transition and adjustment (e.g. relocation, work, caregiving, parenting etc)
- Personal identity crisis and confusion
- Poor self-esteem (e.g. feelings of low self-worth, not being good enough)
- Struggles with self-acceptance (e,g body image concerns)
- Stress and / or burnout
- Review of life or career direction
- Substance dependence
- Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours or addictions
- Low motivation and drive
- Difficulties regulating mood and emotions
- Loss of direction and purpose
- Struggles with past experiences that still impact present life (e.g. past traumatic experiences, lingering guilt and shame over past choices)
- Struggle with making decision(s)
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulties managing emotions and moods (anger, fear, sadness etc)
- Grief and loss
- School related issues such as stress from studies, peer relationships, conflicts, loneliness, school refusal or absenteeism
- Difficulties in interpersonal relationships or romantic relationships
- Self-esteem, self-image, body-image issues
- Self-identity and/or sexual identity issues
- Adjustment to changes
- Family related conflicts and strained relationships at home
- Self-harm thoughts and behaviour
- Making choices and responsibility taking
- Sudden changes in behaviour (such as self-harm, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, withdrawal, agitation etc)
- Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours
- Conflicts and differences in the relationship
- Communication struggles
- Emotional distance
- Trust, commitment and infidelity issues
- Conflicts with in-laws
- Premarital counselling
- Decision-making at crossroads in the relationship
- Conflictual relationships within the family
- Raising a child with special needs
- Caring for a family member with a medical condition (such as a severe illness, dementia etc)
- Supporting a family member with mental health concerns (anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation etc)
- Supporting a family member experiencing a crisis (such as retrenchment, marriage breakdown, discovery of major illness, violence, crime etc)
- Life-stage related changes or stresses affecting interactions among family members
- Grief and bereavement arising from the loss of a loved one
- Separation, divorce, or transition to forming blended family
“We gain a powerful perspective when we see courage as what we choose to do even when we feel afraid. Courage means accepting our feelings and sticking with our planned purposeful action.”
David B Ellis, leadership coach
We also organise retreats for youth, adults and couples allowing participants to work through their issues and achieve personal growth.
Counselling & Psychotherapy Services Rates
Counselling & Psychotherapy Service Rates
Session Booking:
- Individual Counselling & Therapy : From S$150 per 60-minute session
- Couple Counselling & Therapy : From S$200 per 60-minute session
- Two or more in Counselling & Therapy session : From S$200 per 60-minute session
- Beyond the first 60-minutes, the rate will be pro-rated at 15-minute blocks.
We welcome your enquiry, please call us at +65 6728 9359 or email us at
At In Focus, we empathise with our clients as they go through myriad of life’s problems, stresses and challenges which are overwhelming at times. As these happened to us too. The only difference is, it is our profession to help others overcome these life hurdles so as to live life to the fullest.
We have a range of services available for your consideration depending on your needs. You can get in touch with us for coaching services, corporate consultation, professional training, counselling and psychotherapy services. Please visit our services page to see what we offer.
Phone: +65 8725 9303