Professional Training

Customised Training

In Focus offers customised professional training workshops for groups to develop knowledge and skills in specific issues of interest to the group. 

Customised training is available for the following groups upon request:

Specialised Training

Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management Training

Choice Theory©, developed by Dr. William Glasser, is the psychology that explains the why and how of human behavior.

Reality Therapy, based on the belief of Choice Theory©, is an empowering method of counselling, interviewing, and conversational skills. Adopting the Reality Therapy approach to interviewing teaches ourselves and others how to gain more effective control over our lives.

Lead Management is the application of Choice Theory© in situations where one is given the responsibility to manage others. Lead Management, based on Choice Theory beliefs, is used in guiding and leading others with the intention of creating and fostering quality performance, products and services and quality workplace teams and relationships.

The approach is practical and widely applicable regardless of personal or professional contexts. The training is suitable for both learners who wish to learn Dr Glasser’s Choice Theory ideas and skills for personal growth and development, as well as those who wish to pursue further specialisation in Choice Theory Reality Therapy and Lead Management towards Certification. Certification is a five-stage process beginning with Basic Intensive Training and culminating in Certification Intensive Training.

Basic Intensive Training in Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy & Lead Management

The Basic Intensive Training provides an opportunity to study the concepts of Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy and Lead Management practices. The training is conducted using Lead Management principles so that participants not only gain a theoretical understanding of these concepts and skills, but also experiences these applications in practice. The training has also been planned with the intention to provide participants, in their individual and collaborative efforts, quality learning. Participants will increase knowledge of the inter-relationship of the various components of the helping process. Basic Intensive Training is taught by faculty approved by the William Glasser International.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be awarded a Basic Intensive Training Certificate from the William Glasser International. This will form part of the certification process through which William Glasser International recognises a person qualified to practice Reality Therapy.

Basic Practicum in Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy & Lead Management

The purpose of the Basic Practicum follows the Basic Intensive Week. The objective of the Basic Practicum is to assist participants in becoming more familiar and comfortable with Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy and Lead Management. This will be done through role-plays, feedback on actual interviewing and counselling segments recorded on audio or video, practice in CTRT application through personal journals, review of Dr William Glasser’s book/chapters, case studies and self-evaluation of understanding and application of CTRT.

Emphasis is placed on role-plays and casework so that participants gain sufficient experience and feedback in preparation for their attendance at the Advanced Intensive Training.

Advanced Intensive Training in Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy & Lead Management

The Advanced Intensive Training provides opportunity to study Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy and Lead Management in much greater depth. Instruction takes a variety of forms, including role-plays, lectures, videos, and discussion. Special emphasis is given to the practice of Reality Therapy by participants. They will be supervised in small groups and will receive individual feedback. They will learn practical skills immediately applicable on-the-job in relating with their clients, family members, and colleagues. Participants will increase knowledge of the inter-relationship of the various components of the helping process. Advanced Intensive Training is taught by senior faculty approved by William Glasser International. At the end of this workshop, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Advanced Intensive Training from the William Glasser International. This will form part of the process through which William Glasser International recognises a person qualified to practice Reality Therapy.

Advanced Practicum in Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy & Lead Management

During the Advanced Practicum, preparation begins for participants to develop in-depth understanding and internalisation of CTRT and sufficiently skilled at the Advanced level to progress towards the final stage of Certification Intensive Training. Participants are to read more of the works of Dr. William Glasser and continue the process of integration of Choice Theory in their personal life and professional practice. At Advanced Practicum, participants concentrate on more intensive practice as helpee and helper. In addition, they focus on learning more about how to give constructive feedback to other participants. Each participant develops and practices his/her own 15-minute presentation, which teaches some aspect of Dr. Glasser’s concepts, with his/her Advanced Practicum Supervisor and group. This presentation is then made to the small Certification session group, and is one of the requirements at Certification. After the successful completion of the Advanced Practicum, the participant may be recommended to attend a Certification session.

Certification in Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy & Lead Management

The final step in the process leading to CT/RTC (Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy Certification) is the attendance at the 4-days Certification sessions. This provides opportunity for participants together to gain further new knowledge and demonstrate the advanced skills they have acquired and developed throughout the previous steps. Together, participants will share experiences, offer short presentations and learn new ways to implement Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy and Lead Management. The Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy Certification is the recognition by the William Glasser International that a person has completed the certification process and demonstrated knowledge and skill in Choice Theory©, Reality Therapy and Lead Management. Upon completion, you will be the recipient of a Certificate and receive the designation of CT/RTC.



At In Focus, we empathise with our clients as they go through myriad of life’s problems, stresses and challenges which are overwhelming at times. As these happened to us too. The only difference is, it is our profession to help others overcome these life hurdles so as to live life to the fullest.


We have a range of services available for your consideration depending on your needs. You can get in touch with us for coaching services, corporate consultation, professional training, counselling and psychotherapy services. Please visit our services page to see what we offer.


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Chan Pei Lin

Master of Guidance and Counselling (MGC)

Counsellor Masters in Guidance and Counselling (MGC), James Cook University Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), University of Buffalo New York State

I have always had a keen interest in working with children and youth. I find it fulfilling and meaningful to be working, supporting and guiding them, and I now have more than eight years of experience in this area. After graduating from the University of Buffalo, New York State with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, I started working with children and youth with Special Needs in early intervention. From my interactions with my clients over these years, I have come to see that being able to provide the emotional support that they and their families need is very important.

Being diagnosed with dyslexia and tactile defensives (Sensory Integrative Disorder), I remember the unconditional and judgement-free support I received from families and friends that got me through the various challenges. Therefore, I aim to offer the same unconditional support and judgement-free interaction to all my clients. Through my personal experience, I understand how crucial it is for individuals to develop a strong emotional foundation and a support network, especially those in similar circumstance. Therefore, I strongly believe in journeying and supporting individuals through stressful times, and in working with their loved ones through the strengthening of the bonds within the family unit.

I am trained in the major counselling and therapeutic approaches and also in Choice Theory Reality Therapy and Behavioural Therapy. My work is informed by Person Centred Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, and Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy. Beyond children and youth, I have counselled clients in other settings and age groups including young adults and families. I am particularly interested in supporting people in building resilience and skills to cope with stress, anxiety adjustments and overall socio-emotional needs. Given my own personal and work experience, I firmly believe that everyone deserves a chance in a fulfilling life. To better support my clients, I am currently pursuing my certification for Choice Theory and Reality Therapy after obtaining my Masters in Guidance and Counselling at James Cook University.

Evelyn Rochelle Koh

Senior Principal Counsellor, Counselling Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor

Master of Social Science (Counselling), CTRTC, EFT, EFCT
Clinical Supervisor & Instructor (Senior Faculty of William Glasser International & William Glasser Institute, Singapore)

Certified Human Behaviour Analyst (DISC)

I developed a passion in counselling when I started out as a school volunteer counsellor working with youth. I saw the transformative power of the counselling relationship on the youths in school and even later in life beyond school. This was a life changing experience for me and I was spurred to setup my own private counselling and psychotherapy practice in 2004. That was a time when there were few counselling and consultation services in Singapore. Since then, I have been working with youths, couples, parents, working adults on their emotional issues and mental health and well-being through counselling and psychotherapy for over 20 years.

Beyond helping my clients within the counselling room, I believe in tapping on the multiplier effect to bring healing and strength to individuals, and relationships between couples and within families. I thus expanded my work and I now devote a large portion of my time towards raising the skills and competencies of the helping profession through lecturing, training, clinical supervision and consultancy services.

My area of passion and specialisation is Choice Theory, Reality Therapy, Lead Management (CTRTLM) because it is highly empowering. I thus find great joy in training counsellors, therapist, social workers, coaches, leaders and managers in this area.  I am also trained in Emotion Focused Therapy, Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and Gottman Couples Therapy and my work is also informed by therapeutic models such as Positive Psychology, Humanistic Therapy, Experiential Therapy and Systemic Family Therapy.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with organisations across different sectors, ranging from Youth Centers, Family Service Centers and Specialist Centers to the Health Promotion Board (HPB) and Ministry of Education (MOE). The latter two involved projects where I was able to share my passion for helping youth in Singapore. With the HPB, I helped develop the Peer Support Program for youth and conducted training for youth leaders from tertiary institutions and for those involved in the online peer support network “Youthpals”. With the MOE, I conducted cluster training for school counsellors and teachers on counselling and therapy skills to better help our students.

It is also my firm conviction that all situations of loss and pain can be opportunities for deep healing, growth and connection. I have thus been committed to providing regular training on the topic of “Grief and Loss” to social service practitioners through the Social Service Institute (SSI).

Curriculum Vitae

  • Registered Singapore Counselor with Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC)
  • Registered Clinical Supervisor with Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC)
  • Registered Social Service Practitioner with Singapore Association of Social Workers (SASW)
  • Professional member of the American Counselling Association (ACA)
  • Senior Faculty member as Approved Instructor and Supervisor of William Glasser International and William Glasser Institute, Singapore. At William Glasser Institute, Singapore, Evelyn is serving in the Executive Committee to advocate Dr. William Glasser’s teaching in Choice Theory Psychology, Reality Therapy and Lead Management.
  • External Lecturer/ Clinical Supervisor, Swinburne University of Technology
  • Clinical Supervisor, James Cook University Singapore, Monash University
  • Associate Adult Educator, Social Service Institute
  • Trained in Gottman Couples Therapy, The Gottman Institute
  • Trained in Emotion-Focused Therapy, York University, EFT Clinic
  • Trained in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy, International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy, Canada