Marriage & Couple Counselling and Therapy

“A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all men, women, and children. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong”
– Brene Brown
Human beings are social creatures. Strong and healthy relationships are central to our happiness, health and wellbeing. With positive relationships, we feel valued, purposeful, happier and healthier. For many, one of the most significant relationships in our life is that with our partner.
Similarities between the partners help in connecting, but the differences can also be complementary and enriching for the relationship. Yet the differences can pose challenges for the relationship if a couple struggles to navigate these differences in a way that works for the relationship.
Such differences are part and parcel of a relationship since each partner comes from a different background with different upbringing and experiences that shape how each sees the world and those around them. This directly or indirectly also influences how one may choose to respond to the situations one finds oneself in to best meet his or her needs, and this may differ between partners. When not understood, such differences may lead to conflicts and unhelpful interaction dynamics in the relationship. This may in turn lead to feelings of stress, doubts, loneliness, confusion and anger. The couple may further disconnect as conflicts escalate, arguments become frequent, or avoidant behaviour starts to take root and be present in the couple’s lives.
While we feel the innate need for human connection, the ability to form and maintain healthy, loving and supportive relationships requires a great deal of openness to learning, communication, commitment and understanding. With counselling and therapy and the willingness to be open to the process, couples have grown to better understand each other, improve communication, and mutually support each other in the face of life and family challenges together.
Who We Help
Regardless of the nature of the relationship struggles and how long the issues have been present in the relationship, therapy and counselling can benefit you, your partner and your relationship. At In Focus, we offer couples counselling and marriage counselling to couples in different stages of their relationship and also across all types of intimate relationships.
Our couple counselling and therapy services are open to individuals and couples regardless of background, ethnicity, nationality, marital status and also to LGBT individuals.
We also offer relationship counselling for individuals who wish to begin with individual counselling to improve how they relate with their partner.
When Therapy & Counselling Can Be Beneficial For Your Relationship or Marriage
Issues that arise in a couple relationship and where counselling and therapy will be helpful include the following:
- Communication problems
- Lack of intimacy – emotional and / or physical
- Emotional distance
- Frequent conflicts and arguments
- Struggles in resolving conflicts
- Infidelity, betrayal and trust issues
- Differences in values and perspectives such as in parenting, lifestyle and decision-making
- Substance abuse or addictions
- Interpersonal difficulties with in-laws
- Crisis such as a major health concern of a partner / parents, or an impending loss in the family
- Financial issues
- Mental health issues associated with the relationship
- Difficulty bringing up an important issue to the partner
- Something feels amiss in the relationship, but unable to identify the issue

Besides seeking help when relationship challenges arise, therapy and counselling can also help at different stages of a relationship.
- Early stages of relationship: This is a wonderful time to build the foundation for an enduring and satisfying relationship. Couple counselling can help the couple to strengthen the partnership through helping both parties enhance their understanding of each other and developing the skills and openness for good communication, conflict resolution and joint problem solving.
- Relationship review: Sometimes, one may feel uncertain about the next steps in the relationship. Couple counselling helps both parties evaluate their relationship and their relationship goals together and the choices involved, e.g. whether to officialise a union, whether to relocate, whether to bring the relationship to an end etc.
- Family issues: If issues revolve around the children or other family members, additional family therapy is also available and may be recommended by your counsellor or therapist where appropriate.
Give Your Relationship The Chance It Deserves
Making a choice to attend couples counselling is an important step in a relationship. Yet it is understandable that this may be a difficult topic to bring up to your partner since it involves acknowledging that the relationship needs help. If the relationship struggles have been long standing or if past attempts at relationship counselling were not as successful as one hoped for, it is understandable that there is another layer of reservations.
Nonetheless, every relationship deserves a chance. Relationship building takes intentionality and also involves confronting one’s own fears and issues. Taking that step is key to starting or restarting the process towards personal growth, alongside growing together with your partner to restore, repair and revitalise the relationship and one’s own well-being.
How We Can Help
At In Focus, our counsellors and therapists understand how this may be challenging but we also firmly believe that with the right professional support and therapeutic environment, we can help you and your partner work through the difficulties in your relationship.
We provide a supportive, respectful, confidential, and non-judgmental safe space for both parties to express one’s deepest concerns and feelings. These conversations will be hard but our professional counsellors and therapists will facilitate and help each other through this process.
Informed by a combination of approaches like Choice Theory Reality Therapy (CTRT), Emotion-focused Therapy (EFT) or Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT), Systemic Therapy and other therapeutic approaches, our counsellors and therapists will be able to help you and your partner build stronger bonds, deepen mutual understanding and re-ignite the connection that may have been missing for some time.
What can my partner and I expect from couple or marriage counselling?
We believe that counselling and therapy is collaborative. Facilitated and guided by a professional counsellor or therapist at In Focus, in partnership with clients’ personal commitment and intentionality for change and growth, couples who have been through couple or marriage counselling and therapy find themselves experiencing the following:
- A common appreciation of what the relationship means to both parties
- A stronger bond between both parties
- A better understanding of the interaction patterns and dynamics between the parties and the deeper causes
- New perspectives that help both parties see themselves and each other with more empathy and compassion
- Growth in learning more positive and healthier alternatives to manage and resolve conflicts
- Empowerment in changing the interaction dynamics and developing new dynamics helpful for the relationship
- Where trust had been previously broken, reparation from hurt experienced and re-establishment of trust
- Clarity of goals that both parties desire for the relationship and their future together
- Renewed joy, love, satisfaction and meaning in life and in the relationship
What if I am not able to engage my partner or family member for counselling?
It can feel frustrating in such situations. It is possible that we work with you towards the goal of improving the relationship. At the same time, it is equally important for us to explore your challenges faced in engaging the other person. It is part of the work in relationship counselling to strengthen communication to improve your relationship.
Will counselling be an option if my partner has been aggressive or violent to me?
It can feel overwhelming experiencing someone’s aggression or violence. You do not need to suffer alone. There is help available for you and your partner. By reaching out to us, you can learn ways to cope and your partner can also explore ways to manage his or her anger but also the root of the anger in a safe environment. In such instance, couple or family counselling is not recommended. Instead, individual counselling is encouraged and it is possible for both of you to work towards a healthier relationships.
What is the difference between couple counselling, couples therapy and marriage counselling?
They are all similar in that they aim to help people in relationship strengthen and improve their relationship. Often the struggles that surface in a couple relationship include communication struggles, conflicts, or emotional distance. Counselling can help couples work through these struggles. Where there has been a breakdown in the relationship due to hurts and issues that have been unaddressed over time, and the couple wishes to repair the relationship, counselling also helps the couple in addressing the issues and rebuilding trust.
For married couples, given the context of marriage, there may be other issues more specific to couples who are married such as parenting differences, or transitions through different life stages in a marriage. Marriage counselling is still similar to couple counselling in the sense that the couple will be working on improving and developing a fulfilling and meaningful relationship, but this will be in the context of a marriage for marriage counselling.
What happens if my spouse or partner does not wish to attend marriage counselling or couples therapy with me?
It’s common for one partner to feel uncertain about counselling, often due to fear, misunderstanding, or past experiences.
If this happens, approach the topic gently. Share how counselling could support the relationship rather than focusing on current problems. If they are still reluctant, consider starting counselling or therapy on your own first. At In Focus, our individual counselling can help you to manage your emotions and improve communication, which can be the first steps towards positive change in the relationship.
While both partners’ involvement in couple counselling is preferred , one partner may start with relationship counselling individually first in the event that the other partner has reservations towards counselling. This can help you gain more awareness of your internal feelings and experiences, the dynamics in the relationship, and pave the way to learning how to manage the struggles in a healthier manner that is constructive, rather than not destructive to the relationship.
Is couples counselling suitable for couples who are not married?
Absolutely. Couples counselling is not limited to married couples. It is an excellent option for any couple, whether dating, engaged, or in a long-term relationship. The focus is on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and fostering a healthier, more supportive relationship.
Contact us today to find out more about couple counselling or marriage counselling at In Focus to know how we can support you and your partner in this season of your relationship, and grow towards fulfilling your potential to flourish and thrive in life.
At In Focus, we empathise with our clients as they go through myriad of life’s problems, stresses and challenges which are overwhelming at times. As these happened to us too. The only difference is, it is our profession to help others overcome these life hurdles so as to live life to the fullest.
We have a range of services available for your consideration depending on your needs. You can get in touch with us for coaching services, corporate consultation, professional training, counselling and psychotherapy services. Please visit our services page to see what we offer.
Phone: +65 8725 9303